Website Layout Tips

Proven Website Layout Tips To Build A Professional Website

There are millions of websites running on the World Wide Wide with amazing designs. But if you want the best, it’s necessary to know the website layout tips which can help you to build a professional website.

Are you thinking about redesigning your website? Do you work on a project for your clients? Well, for a better website layout, you should start it from the scratch.

You all have your own vision for a website but sometimes, new thoughts should be considered. You can embrace your ideas by following the website layout tips.

In this article, you will learn what does it take to build a professional website, how to give a look to your website which can be eye-catching.

Follow These “Website Layout Tips” And Renovate Your Design

When you try to create the best blog ever and think about the website design and the development then it’s important to have the content in your mind.

There are many important factors to consider when designing a website.

Let me provide you the list.

1. Prepare The Notes Before You Start

Whenever you take any project in your hand before you start, always draw an image of the layout to the paper. The mind is not that stable and you can’t have that image forever.

You should try to maintain that website layout design by drawing it. Always keep that copy with you while building your website.

2. Start With The Upper-Level Framework

Before you go in the deep, you must have the top-level framework. It’s like constructing the boundary of a building. For a website, you must have that boundary.

Start with the basic design of the website. When people ask me about the website layout then I give them a basic idea.

Many clients have their own opinion about the layout. You can let them show what you got to do with their thoughts.

3. Discuss With Your Clients

Sometimes, your clients can provide you the best idea. You can embrace their ideas to shape the layout. A professional web developer and designer have the aim to fulfill the requirements of his/her clients.

If you want to become a professional blogger, developer, designer then you should take the advice of your clients. You work to satisfy your readers, clients. Do it in a better way.

4. Never Compare Your Design With Others

Your clients may demand to build a website they like. But a true web designer never copies anyone, so don’t compare your design with others. You should try to use your imagination to give the similar look but with a different style.

You may use different colors, different positions of the layout parts. It’s always said that when you try to idealize someone or something then you always create something better.

5. Choose Your Color Scheme

One of the best website layout tips is that you should choose the colors of the website properly. Never mix many colors in the same website layout.

You can use 2 to 4 colors. I always prefer to use only two colors. But still, it would depend on what kind of website you’re going to create.

You may have noticed that people use many colors on their website. But you won’t find it on the professional websites.

6. Choose The Font Wisely

There are many font families available on the internet. You can even use the custom fonts but make sure that it should look authentic.

You are here to build a professional website. Choose the font size and the font family according to the type of website you are building.

Don’t go with those bigger and unusual fonts. Most of the professional websites are having the font size between 12px to 16px.

7. Focus On Each Part of The Website

Each part of the website should look amazing. You should focus on the website header to the footer area one by one. Don’t skip even a single area.

When you focus on the header area then think about all the possibilities. Suppose you develop a WordPress theme make sure that you provide custom header option.

The same goes for the remaining layout.

8. Use The Flexible layout

Nowadays, people are using the smartphones to a great extent. You should create the layout of the website according to every mobile screen.

An iPad has the different screen size than an iPhone. Don’t forget about the old and smaller phones. There are millions of people using those small screen phones.

9. Don’t Get Obsessed With One Layout

Some of the designers create a website layout and get obsessed with it. They use it for their every client. Well, this is something I won’t recommend.

Bring the innovation with your amazing ideas. This is one of the best website layout tips, you should follow. Try something new in every project.

10. Ask Your Developer

If you’re a designer and not developing the website then you must be the friend of the developer. Web developers have their own thoughts about the website layout.

Make sure that you take advice from your developer friend. It would embrace your design at the professional level. Never try to do everything alone. It’s always good to have the company.

Can You Now Prepare An Authentic Design With These “Website Layout Design”

Everyone wants to create a website layout which is unique and effective. But are you aware of the today’s era of web development and design?

It’s important to think of every aspect to create a professional website. There are millions of websites, if you want to be the one with the uniqueness then think, take advice, talk to your client and design something mesmerizing.

You would never know the importance of a simple layout of a website until you try. Many professional websites prefer to have the simplest yet attractive layout.

Follow the website layout tips and prepare your design with love. Yes, this is something I would recommend. Love what you design, love what you develop, love what you write.

If you too have something extraordinary in your mind, through it out and let people know.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Sadly far too many people (like me!) don’t give consideration to their website layout, and instead just plunge into getting content up.

    It’s worth spending time on the layout at the beginning because it’s often quite difficult to change it later.

    Great tips for anyone starting a blog or website.

    Joy – Blogging After Dark

    1. Hey Joy,

      The design of your website matters a lot. You can provide the quality content but many people decide the reading session after noticing the layout of the website.

      It should be clean and easy to read. In the starting days, you can do a lot of changing. But later you can’t.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great weekend.


  2. Thank you for these great tips Ravi. Here are some more I’d add, as a longtime screen reader user. Make sure all images on the site contain text descriptions, because screen readers cannot decipher images alone. This leads me to another tip. If you use any CAPTCHAs on your site, make certain to include an audio and/or text alternative. I will explain what I mean here. Audio CAPTCHAs are those that have a series of numbers and/or letters played to the user, and more often than not these can be confusing to deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals. Even people with good hearing often have trouble with the audio alternatives. The advantage to text-based CAPTCHAs is that they work even for hard-of-hearing or deaf individuals. Lastly, headings are a good thing to use in order to separate the main content of a site from any extraneous links. Having said all that, this website is very easy to use on a Mac with Apple’s on-board screen reader.

    1. Hey Jake,

      You have brought up an interesting concept here. I would surely consider it. Adding the audio CAPTCHA can be really helpful. But the point is why would you complicate your website with the CAPTCHA?

      It’s always good to design a clean and easy to use website.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Hi Ravi,

    These are awesome tips. I particularly struggle with #4. I can’t help but compare my site to others. That is one way I get ideas to change up my theme, including colors and fonts. There are some really amazing sites out there, as you know, and I only think it’s human to compare. When I work with my clients, I find out what they are looking for and give them some options. I always take into consideration what they are looking for and may offer alternatives. Finding the perfect layout is every designers dream, however, are we ever really happy with the end result?

    Passing this along, my friend. Great stuff as always!


    1. Hey Bren,

      I know that it’s human nature to compare the things with others. But it’s always better to put some pressure on your creative mind. A new design can be generated within no time.

      You can ask you clients about their choice. You can show you the site they follow and you can have the idea for designing the website for them.

      Thanks for the support.


  4. Hey Ravi,

    There may be a plethora of exciting themes we could use for a website, but that doesn’t mean we should confuse things by throwing in multiple themes for one site. When we keep it to a single unified theme throughout, we can maintain consistency and give our website a clean professional look.

    Visitors should be able to navigate through our webpages effortlessly. We need to Keep the layout logical, and leave a trail for our viewers by incorporating subtle clues to guide them where they want to go. Clear menus, a site map, and intuitive navigation will greatly increase the conversions from our website. We must make it as easy as possible for people to get the necessary information to make a considered purchase.

    Color is an important aspect of most artistic projects. If we truly want our website to be spectacular, then we should avoid using colors that don’t blend well with each other. Web designers everywhere want to grab the attention of their audience and keep it. When we follow these simple tips for web layout design, we’ll encourage our visitors to stay, read, interact, and buy from our site. Making it as informative, fun, interactive, simple, refreshing and intuitive as possible will really increase our conversions, and improve our business. Eventually, thanks for exploring these beneficial facts regarding subject.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hey Amar,

      There are many themes in the WordPress repository and you can get many premium themes. But when you design your own website then you can’t rely on any other source.

      The only thing you need to remember is your client and your visions. The clear navigation is required to provide the best user experience. The color scheme should be perfect.

      Thanks for your wonderful comment.


  5. Hi Ravi

    I love your thoughts on Website design. I like the idea of drafting your design on paper. I like to also ask my clients some questions to get an idea of what they want on their site.

    Thanks for sharing. Take Care

    1. Hey Ikechi,

      Website design isn’t just you pick up and copy. You have to create your own design with the help of your client. It’s important to satisfy your clients.

      Thanks for your support.

      Have a great day.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    I agree that Blog Design plays an important part in business and if you can design your blog, your chances of getting success increases.

    I have seen many bloggers who use a free template without designing it further and write tons of contents. And later cry over not getting customers and sales.

    Thanks for this article. It would help many.

    1. Hey Shafi,

      The bet you show to your blog is the best you get. People like to visit a website with the clean design. The free templates may be good but it’s always better to re-design.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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